Your community leader in metals recycling since 1912.

Our Latest News


May 10, 2023

Wally Pallos celebrates 45 years with ABC

In 1978 Wally Pallos started his career at ABC in the Burnaby Warehouse, doing everything from driving a forklift, bobcat, operating the now obsolete smokeless burner, aluminum smelter and copper wire chopper. Eventually he transitioned to the steel end of... Read More


October 24, 2022

David Yochlowitz Named Family Business CEO To Watch 2022

David is one of 23 business leaders featured in Family Business Magazine who have run their companies with a steady hand, maintaining (and even increasing!) value for family shareholders and strengthening bonds with employees. The members of Family Business Magazine’s... Read More


October 23, 2022

First deep-sea ferrous cargo shipped from the Port of Bellingham

On October 23, 2022 ABC shipped its first deep-sea ferrous metal cargo, the Blue Everton vessel, from the Port of Bellingham. This inaugural bulk shipment was a 23,000 metric tonne (t) mixed-composition cargo. ABC established a relationship with the Port... Read More



ABC Services Newcrest Red Chris Mine

Our Terrace team has been servicing Newcrest Red Chris Mine in Dease Lake, BC, on an ongoing basis during the Spring and Summer seasons. Red Chris Mine is in a remote area of Northern BC within the Tahltan Nation where... Read More


December 9, 2021

Indigenous Awareness Learning Session

Mindy Henyu facilitated our first Indigenous Awareness Learning Session with our Leadership Team. Together we developed and increased awareness on the diverse backgrounds and culture of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. We enhanced our knowledge of the historical impacts of colonization... Read More


November, 2021

Fred DeBoer Retires after 20 Years

Fred DeBoer joined ABC as a crane operator in 2001. As new equipment was introduced to the yard, Fred transitioned from operating the crane to Sennebogens and material handlers. In addition to his day-to-day responsibilities, Fred took on the role... Read More


August 13, 2021

MOU between Hay River Metis Government Council (“HRMGC”) and ABC Recycling

We are proud to announce that on August 13, 2021, HRMGC and ABC Recycling committed to work together jointly and cooperatively to identify approaches and opportunities for the marketing, promotion and securing of contracts for services from GNWT Departments, municipalities... Read More


May 8, 2020

ABC Kelowna Assists with Peachland Watershed Cleanup

Kelowna team members joined 76 other volunteers from across the Okanagan on May 8 to clean up the woods above the community of Peachland. 7,460 lbs of garbage and 16,660 lbs of metals were collected. ABC Kelowna together with other... Read More



ABC one of Top 70 Movember Teams in Canada

A group of ABC staff came together in support of our late employee, Eric Kirschner, and formed the ABC Recycling Mo Team. The team raised $15,360, leading as one of the top 70 teams in Canada. Our efforts helped fund... Read More


October 2019

Langley Fire Department Stages Mock Rail Accident

On September 28 and October 6, 2019, the Langley Fire Department conducted training at ABC Surrey. This essential training helps Langley Firefighters prepare for rail accident responses. Training included a mock scene where railcars had fallen onto two cars, trapping... Read More


September 2019

Jade Fever films episode at ABC Recycling Terrace

On September 8 & 9, 2019 Discovery Channel was onsite at our Terrace location filming an episode with “Scrappy Larry”. Scrappy Larry (Larry Noel) is from Cassiar and has been bringing in ferrous and non-ferrous material to ABC Recycling Terrace... Read More



ABC logo refresh

In 2019 ABC introduced a refreshed logo in order to exemplify our evolving brand. We wanted to retain the essence of our logo as we felt it represented our longevity and global reach. However we recognized it was time for... Read More